Definition of



An accommodation is a place that allows you to spend the night.

Accommodation is the action and effect of hosting or lodging (hosting, accommodating, placing one thing inside another). The most frequent use of the term is linked to the place where people spend the night or camp , generally in the middle of a trip or during vacations . Hotels , hostels and inns are types of accommodation.

For example: "When we arrive at the town, the first thing we will do is look for accommodation to spend the night" , "Given the large number of people who traveled to South Africa to attend the final of the tournament, several cities sold out their accommodation places" , «Could you put me up at your house? "It's just that I have argued with my family and I don't want to spend the night with them."

Hosting services

The economic sector that includes all activities related to the provision of accommodation services is known as hospitality or hospitality . These establishments offer services of various categories that are usually classified according to a number of stars . One-star hotels are basic, while five-star hotels combine comfort and luxury.

At a broader level, human accommodation includes the notion of permanent housing (which can be a house inhabited by a family, an individual apartment, an orphanage, a home for the elderly, a collective residence for students, etc.). There are also other types of temporary accommodation that have nothing to do with hospitality, such as those who stay in a prison or a hospital.


Hotels provide accommodation services.

The hosting

Web hosting or hosting , finally, is a service that consists of storing digital information (documents, images, videos, audios and other types of content) on a server that is accessible over the Internet .

When hosting a website, it is not always necessary to make a financial investment, since there are many companies that offer this service for free. However, it is very important to study the proposals of each one to choose the one that best suits your own needs. First of all, therefore, you must thoroughly know the characteristics of the project you want to publish, including the technical requirements of the server on which it will be hosted.

One of the basic features of a web hosting service is access to a database. Many of the tasks performed by a web page are linked to various data tables, in which usernames and passwords are stored, button labels and tabs organized by language, and all the texts displayed on it. , such as newspaper articles and welcome messages.

This makes it clear that the communication between a website and its database can be intense and constant, which is why it is important to calculate the impact this will have on performance once there are thousands of users visiting it at the same time . Free hosting is primarily based on a discrete traffic limit, which is why it does not allow the volume of queries that an internationally famous site requires.

Free web hosting

Year after year, many blogs and pages dedicated to the world of computing carry out studies to determine which are the best free hosting offers; Among the most popular until a few years ago were , and . It is worth mentioning that some services require their users to have advertisements on their pages; This is reasonable, given that they do not charge anything in return for their services, but it is inappropriate for certain projects.

It is worth mentioning that it is possible to contract a web hosting service to perform tasks such as processing data in a database and communicating with an application such as an extension or plug-in for a browser. In other words, the pages that the user will see do not need to be hosted on the server, but can be used for intermediate documents between the graphical interface of a program and the database .