In order to unravel the meaning of the term allocution, we must begin by knowing its etymological origin. Specifically, it must be stated that it is a cultism that derives from the Latin “allocutio”, which can be translated as “speech”. This word, in turn, comes from the verb “alloqui”, which means “to address someone”.
Address refers to the message or dissertation that, generally, someone located in a higher position directs to those who are located in the lower strata (who may be followers, subordinates, dependents or subjects). The usual thing is that the speech is of reduced length.
For example: “The Pope's speech upon getting off the plane was followed by hundreds of people who came to the airport to receive him,” “In his speech, the presidential candidate dedicated harsh words to the current rulers,” “The police chief pointed out in his speech that there are five detainees in the context of the case.”
In the same way, it must be stated that, starting from the meaning that we have given, we find the fact that speech is also what we can call the messages or statements that singers make in their concerts addressing the audience. Thus, as a general rule, they usually take advantage of those words to thank them for their assistance and constant support and even to explain to them what the different compositions they are going to perform mean.
In its origins, the idea of speech was used with reference to the words that an emperor or general of the Roman Empire dedicated to the troops. These were harangues that appealed to the motivation of the combatants, who usually responded with expressions of approval.
Currently the notion of speech is usually used with reference to the speeches given by political, social or religious leaders . His words are followed with interest by many people, who take these personalities as references or guides.
In this way, a leader of a political party can give a speech to the militants of said space, spreading the bases of a project or giving instructions for the development of an electoral campaign. In a similar sense, an imam can guide Muslims on how to act in accordance with the values and principles their religion promotes.
There is precisely a famous painting titled “Address of the Marquis del Vasto to his soldiers.” It dates back to the year 1540 and was made by Titian. It represents the first Marquis del Vasto and illustrates an event that took place in the year 1537 when that character proceeded to quell a mutiny by the Spanish troops who were in Lombardy at that time.
In addition to everything indicated, we have to explain what speech can be presented as a synonym for harangue. This, specifically, is a solemn speech that is carried out by a political or military leader with the clear objective of raising the spirits of those who listen attentively and follow in his footsteps.