Definition of


hard drive

A hard or rigid drive is a storage device that allows you to save digital data.

Before entering fully into clarifying the meaning of the term storage , it is interesting to know its etymological origin. In this case, we can determine that it comes from Arabic, specifically from the word "al-majzan", which can be translated as "the warehouse" or "the warehouse."

The process and consequence of storing is called storage . This action is linked to collecting, depositing, filing or recording something .

For example: "The storage of this type of food must be done at a temperature below five degrees" , "We have to think about how we will store the documentation after the move" , "I need a new storage device to store my digital photographs .

Storage of products

The concept of storage derives from warehouse : an establishment that functions as a warehouse. Storage, in this way, is associated with depositing certain elements in a certain space.

There are numerous physical spaces that are used as storage for different products or items. Thus, for example, we find cold rooms where those who have, for example, a business proceed to save and preserve their food so that it is protected and can maintain its properties for as long as possible.

A farmer who has dairy cows must know how to store milk to prevent it from spoiling. The storage of this type of products must be carried out cold; Otherwise, bacteria and other microorganisms appear that prevent its consumption. When a person buys milk, they must also take into account its correct storage, keeping the container in the refrigerator (refrigerator or refrigerator).

In addition, we also come across what is known as furniture storage. These are spaces that are used by any citizen to proceed to preserve what are all types of belongings that they do not want to get rid of, but that they do not use on a daily basis. Storing them in those spaces is a way to maintain them and not take up space in your house.


In the technological field there are multiple storage media.

The concept in computing

Since the development of computing , storage is not only related to physical objects, but also to virtual (digital) materials.

In the field of computing, the idea of ​​storage refers to archiving documents . Storage involves copying the information onto some type of media: a hard drive (hard drive), a DVD , a website , etc. Thus, a user can store office documents on the hard drive of their computer , save their family photos on an online platform and copy their favorite songs to a DVD.

Currently, one of the most used computer storage devices is the pendrive. In it we can store a wide variety of documents, photographs or files and, in addition, carry them with us. Yes, because this item has a very small size that makes it easy to carry in your bag, briefcase and even your pocket.

We must not forget that today there is what is known as cloud storage , which consists of saving all types of documents in virtual spaces that can be accessed at any time.