Definition of



A pin is a metal nail with an elongated body.

A pin is a very thin-bodied metal nail used to hold or hook something. This meaning of the term is the first mentioned in the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy ( RAE ).

For example: “Be careful that the dress still has pins because I haven't sewn it yet,” “With a pin, the young man added the cockade to his shirt,” “I'm going to lift the curtain a little with the help of pins so it doesn't rub.” the ground.”

Types of pins

Pins usually have a head on one end and a point on the other. This allows them to hold something without it falling. There are, however, special pins that have other shapes, such as the safety pin , also called safety pin or safety pin. It is a pin that closes on itself and cannot be opened easily, providing greater security for the hold.

The tie clip , on the other hand, is used to secure the tie to a shirt , preventing it from moving or losing its vertical position. Typically made of metal or leather, these pins often include ornamental details or feature insignia that reflect the wearer's affiliation with a particular group or organization .


Safety pin is used for secure fastening.

Other uses of the term

The idea of ​​a pin, on the other hand, is used in the construction of several phrases in colloquial language. When someone indicates that a place “can't fit a pin,” they mean that there is no space for any more person to enter. Something that is “pinned together,” on the other hand, is precarious or unstable.

A cut of beef , a fish and several species of plants are also called pin according to the region, as detailed by the RAE dictionary .

The pinfish

The Nerophis ophidion or, as it is commonly known, pinfish , belongs to the family Syngnathidae , that of pipefish and seahorses. It is a species with a very thin body, which at first glance can give the impression of being a worm since its extension is between 15 and 20 centimeters, with exceptions that reach 30.

After a close observation of a pinfish, it is clear that it is not a worm, especially when paying attention to its gill cover and its head (very similar to that of a seahorse , one of its already mentioned relatives, in part by the shape of its snout).

Its cousin, the mule garfish , is the only species with which it is possible to confuse the pinfish, although the shape of the former is more rounded towards the sides and considerably more slender. Both have a single dorsal fin, which is located from the middle of the back towards the base, although the snout of the mule godwit is more extensive.

The coloration of the male usually combines shades of green, although the abdomen tends to be yellowish; The female, for her part, exhibits bluish spots all over her body, including her head, and has a generally more striking appearance. In any case, when the spawning season arrives, which takes place in the middle of summer, the color increases in both sexes.

Regarding reproduction, the male must carry the eggs deposited by the female in his incubator bag, to fertilize them and carry them for approximately three weeks before giving birth to the young, which begin to swim as soon as they are born.

The pinfish feeds on plankton and is distributed along the entire coast of Finland , except in the north of the Gulf of Bothnia , since the health level of its waters is insufficient for its development .