Definition of



The process and effect of becoming literate is known as literacy.

The first thing we have to determine before entering fully into the meaning of the term literacy is that it has a clear etymological origin. It derives from Greek, since it is the result of the following components of said language:

-The letter "alpha."

-The letter "beta."

-The suffix "-cion", which is used to indicate "action and effect."

What is literacy

The term literacy refers to the process and result of becoming literate . This action (literacy), for its part, is usually linked to the activity that is carried out so that a person can learn to write and read.

Literacy is called both the act of teaching and the ability acquired by the subject who can write and read on his or her own. This is a basic and essential instruction to integrate into society, since without this knowledge it is almost impossible for a person to access a well-paid job with the possibility of growth. Literacy is also necessary so that the subject can defend and exercise their rights.


Thanks to literacy, a person learns to read and write.

UNESCO's view

It is important to establish that literacy plays a very important role within UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization). Specifically, he makes the following statements:

-It is a fundamental right.

-Determines that, in addition, it becomes the learning base that any person has throughout their entire life. And it becomes essential both in its social and human development.

-In addition, it is also indicated that it becomes a vital and essential resource in the development of the world.

-It has even created the International Literacy Awards that have been awarded since 1967.

No less important is to know that the aforementioned UNESCO has been working for more than 60 years to ensure that literacy is the key piece in the different education programs carried out internationally or in different countries in particular.

In addition to everything we have indicated, we cannot ignore the fact that September 8 is International Literacy Day.

The opposite of literacy

The opposite of literacy is illiteracy : someone who does not know how to write or read is illiterate. It must be taken into account, however, that a human being may have the ability to write basic words or messages and to read simple texts, but nevertheless not have the necessary skills to accurately analyze and understand what they read. In this case, despite having a certain level of literacy, the subject will be classified as functionally illiterate .

In the modern world, literacy is not enough for a person to progress since additional knowledge is required in the labor market and in other areas (such as mastery of computers or another language beyond one's own). That is why notions such as the idea of ​​digital literacy appear, related to teaching the use of computers and the Internet .