Definition of



In the Middle Ages, the warden was responsible for protecting and defending a castle or fortress.

The closest etymological antecedent of the term alcaide is found in the Hispanic Arabic alqáyid . This word , in turn, derives from the classical Arabic qā»id , which refers to someone who leads a troop .

The concept of warden varies according to the context. In the past, especially until the latter part of the Middle Ages , this was the name given to the person who was most responsible for the defence and protection of a fortress or castle .

The medieval warden

Although the specific functions of the warden were associated with his jurisdiction , in general terms it can be said that he was the military leader of the fortification . At times, however, he also had political or civil responsibilities of a different nature.

These wardens governed spaces that, due to their characteristics, required special administration and careful surveillance. Access to this position was decided by the king, who gave the wardens the task of guarding and organizing these types of sites.

In this context, the warden directed the troops that took on defensive tasks. It is important to note that the work of these people usually extended to the territories surrounding the enclosure.

The notion after the Middle Ages

After the Middle Ages, the person who took charge of the management and maintenance of a royal site began to be called alcaide. In this sense, the alcaide could be the head of a palace .

In this way, the warden looked after the furniture, the ornaments and the rest of the objects in the palace complex; he kept the keys; he kept a record of the servants and workers; and he distributed the rooms for those who worked in the building, for example .

Warden of the young men

It is important to refer to a hereditary and honorary position that existed in the Crown of Castile between the middle of the 14th century and the end of the 17th century : the alcaide de los donceles . As the name itself indicates, his tasks were linked to the leadership of the donceles, who were the young men of the nobility who had not yet been ordained as knights.

The young men were permanently at the service of the monarch, even when there was no war . The warden, therefore, was in charge of the troop made up of young men and was even dedicated to the military training of these boys.


The warden is the authority in charge of ensuring security in a prison.

The concept today

Over time , the idea of ​​warden acquired another use that is still used today. Today, a warden is an individual who is in charge of a prison .

The warden is the official whose mission is to ensure security in a prison. His main activity is based on the supervision of the various measures and actions that allow the prisoners to be kept under control.

Wardens are in charge of cell inspections, ensuring that inmates are not in possession of weapons or illegal substances. They are also involved in tasks aimed at the social reintegration and re-education of prisoners, which means they have to manage resources and facilities such as recreation areas and libraries .