Albumin is a protein : that is, a molecule that is made up of amino acids that form different linear chains. The term refers to a class of protein found in blood plasma, milk, egg whites, and the seeds of certain plants, among other places.
Before moving forward, it is important to know the etymological origin of albumin. We can determine that it is a word that comes from the Latin albumen, albuminis , which can be translated as “egg white.”
Albumin in blood plasma
Blood plasma, in humans , is composed of albumin and globulins. Albumin is necessary to maintain oncotic pressure , a particular form of osmotic pressure. Oncotic pressure allows the body's fluids to be distributed appropriately. Therefore, albumin is necessary for proper organic functioning.
The distribution of certain hormones, fatty acids and drugs, the control of pH and the regulation of extracellular fluids are other functions that albumin performs in the body . It should be noted that there are various disorders that can affect the presence of albumin in the blood plasma (in this case, we can specifically speak of serum albumin or serum albumin ): malnutrition, cirrhosis, nephrotic syndrome and others.
a deficit
In the same way, we cannot forget the existence of what is known as low albumin , also called hypoalbuminemia . It is a deficiency of this protein in the blood and usually occurs, especially in older people.
Kidney failure, anemia , liver diseases of different types, cancer or stomach problems are some of the situations that can lead to suffering from this situation that can be present through symptoms such as weakness and fatigue.
albumin in urine
No less important is to know that you can also talk about albumin in the urine . That protein can pass into the urine, yes, and when it does it is because the person in question is sick. Specifically, when this event occurs it is because the kidneys do not function correctly.
To detect if someone has albumin in their urine, you can choose to take the relevant sample of that waste substance. The results of the analysis performed on this will determine that the amount of albumin is normal if the concentration is less than 30 and that it is abnormal when it exceeds 30.
However, this information can also be known through the relevant blood test.
Protein in milk and eggs
The albumin found in milk is called lactalbumin . It has a high level of sulfur amino acids and is in a colloidal state when it is in the dispersed phase.
The albumin that is in the white of the eggs , finally, is called ovalbumin . This albumin represents between 60% and 65% of the total protein in the egg. It is estimated that albumin is used as a protein reservoir in poultry breeding.