Definition of



A scream is a vehement expression made with a very loud sound.

A scream is a scream : a forced and vehement expression made with a very loud sound. Screams can be shrill vociferation that arises spontaneously due to great pain or sudden joy .

For example: “When she heard the tragic news, the woman let out a scream,” “The happy scream of the Chilean athletes was felt throughout the stadium,” “What was that scream?” "I'm going to investigate."

Examples of screams

Screams are linked to emotions . They do not seek to transmit a message, but rather express a state of mind that is produced by some event. The scream can arise from surprise , fear , joy, etc.

Take the case of a young woman who is lying on her bed, reading a book and listening to music with headphones. The girl thinks she is alone in her house. That's why, when he suddenly feels someone touching his leg , he gets scared and screams . The one who had touched her was her father who had just returned to the house without the girl hearing him. That's why the young woman's surprise and the scream that escaped her.

A scream can also break out due to positive news. A man receives a phone call from a television show, announcing that he has won a million dollars for having participated in a contest. Upon hearing the news, the man lets out a scream as he cannot contain his excitement for such a prize.

It is common that when a person hears a scream, they become scared or worried. For this reason, horror films usually include screams from the protagonists with the intention of transmitting nervousness to the viewer. Likewise, it is common for the reaction to the most shocking scenes in a film of this genre to be screaming.


Screams reflect intense emotion.

The term in music

It is worth mentioning that many times people outside the world of music describe the high notes emitted by singers as screams or screams , especially those in lyrical music, and this could not be further from the truth. To sing a note, high or low, it is necessary to have a technique that includes a particular way of breathing, retaining and dosing the air, opening the throat and articulating the vowels, among other things, while a scream is something impulsive and lacking. of structure .

Unlike a note sung with proper technique, screaming can be harmful to the vocal apparatus , the group of organs in our body that has the task of producing and amplifying the sound generated during speaking or singing. It is made up of three sets of well-defined organs, which are the following: those of respiration, those of phonation and those of articulation. These groups of organs can also be identified according to the type of cavity they represent, and in this case we can talk about the infraglottic (the trachea, bronchi and lungs), the glottic (the vocal cords, the resonators -pharyngeal, buccal and nasal). - and the larynx) and the supraglottic (lips, teeth, tongue, palate and glottis).

Movie "The Scream"

As part of a proper name, we find this term in a 1948 Spanish comedy titled "El alarido" . It is a co-production between Spain and Italy , directed by Ferruccio Cerio , who also participated in the script. The film was broadcast in both countries and among its actors we find Pablo Álvarez Rubio , Rafael Bardem , Julia Caba Alba and Aurelia Carrascal .

The story is about a composer who writes a musical work in which the experience of a character in a clinic whose director believes that jealousy is one of many pathological diseases is told.