Definition of



In the kitchen, anything that contains garlic is classified as spoiled.

The dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy ( RAE ) recognizes the term ajado as an adjective and as a noun. In the first case, the concept refers to that which has garlic . Garlic, for its part, is a plant whose bulbs, with an intense flavor and aroma, are used as a condiment in various gastronomic preparations.

This definition leads us to the use of ajado or ajada as a noun. Ajada is a sauce that contains garlic, salt and bread and is used to season fish. The sauce may also include paprika and other ingredients.

The aged sauce

The preparation of the garlic sauce is very simple and takes little time. Firstly, it is necessary to slice two medium garlic cloves per diner, although the amount varies according to each person's taste. Having done this, we cover the base of a frying pan with olive oil and then sauté the garlic. When they start to brown, it's time to remove the pan from the heat to season them.

Although there are various recipes for garlic sauce, which respond both to the customs of each region and to the preferences of each family, the normal thing is to season the garlic slices with salt and sweet paprika, stir well until the ingredients are mixed and then return to the heat. Finally, we can add a splash of vinegar and blend it with the sauce. Just a couple of minutes of cooking are enough to complete the preparation.


Anything worn or cracked is referred to as worn out.

Somewhat worn

It is important to keep in mind that, beyond the culinary, the idea of ​​ajado is also used in another way, starting from the verb ajar . This action refers to corroding, eating away, wearing down or mistreating something . The worn, therefore, is worn, cracked, cracked or broken .

Suppose someone says they have found a “decayed portrait” of their great-grandfather. The person will be referring to the fact that they found an image of their ancestor that shows the signs of the passage of time . Said portrait may have stains or various marks that earn it the description of “worn.”

A “worn book” , on the other hand, may have torn pages or those with evidence of moisture. Continuing with other examples of use of this concept, we can say that a man with a “worn face” exhibits wrinkles or scars on his face.

Of course, when using it to describe a person's appearance we can also play with the nuances of the term to imply a certain wear and tear on an emotional level, similar to expressions such as “the tired look.” Some negative experiences can damage our soul, corrode us until they take away our strength and leave their marks on our face.

Restore the broken

When the worn is linked to the damage caused by time , the adjective is usually associated with something negative . Therefore, it is not uncommon for people to try to reverse the processes responsible for a certain object becoming damaged.

In the specific case of furniture and products made of wood, it is possible to apply certain treatments to the material that allow us to hide the marks as much as possible or, in the best cases, make them disappear completely. Unlike metals, wood is very easy to polish, especially for those who venture into a home restoration .

With the help of a sheet of sandpaper , a tool of great strength and resistance that has tiny grains of sand or glass on one of its faces, it is possible to abrade the area of ​​the damaged object until the distance between the bottom of the crack and the surface surrounding it is tiny. Depending on the finish of the product in question, this procedure may require the need to reapply varnish or paint, for example.