Definition of



A hole is a hole or crack.

A hole is a round or similar shaped crack that can be found in different things. It is a hole or a perforation that implies a break, or a depression in the continuity of a surface .

For example: "I can't wear these pants again: I just realized that they have a hole in the crotch" , "To rescue the trapped child, the firefighters had to make a hole in the wall" , "With the rain "It wet the entire dining room, there's probably a hole in the ceiling."

Different uses of the term hole

As can be seen from the definition, there are multiple types of holes. In a physical sense, a hole can occur in clothing , in a building , in different kinds of infrastructure (such as a road or a bridge), etc.

The concept is also used to name the wells : "To access the minerals, the miners had to go down a hole eight hundred meters deep" , "Be careful: there is a large hole in the middle of the avenue" , "The municipal authorities have committed to covering the hole so that no one runs the risk of falling into it .

The notion of hole is also used symbolically to name a failure , a vulnerability or a lack : "Hackers took advantage of a security hole in the Pentagon system and stole highly confidential information" , "The audit revealed a million-dollar hole in the company's accounts" , "We have a hole in the defense that we can only solve by signing a quality defender" .

A security flaw

The first example mentions the concept known as a security hole , a vulnerability that affects an information system and that opens the doors to various types of security violations. This can take place in many areas, although we normally associate it only with software ; For example, it can occur in the hardware , in the group of people in charge of the system, in the communication media used for its operation and in any of the procedures through which it is organized and administered.

Security holes often become public knowledge, and this can happen for several reasons; Those who discover them usually make sure the entire world knows, with the intention of intimidating those who try to combat their actions.


A black hole is an area of ​​space with a high concentration of mass.

black holes

In the field of astronomy , a black hole is called a spatial area that cannot be seen but that, according to the theory of relativity , has the capacity to absorb the energy and matter found in its gravitational field. This is because its mass concentration is very high, developing a gravitational field that even absorbs light.

In other words, we can say that, according to the knowledge of astronomy, there is no material particle capable of avoiding the action of the black hole . On the other hand, in the 70s, the respected British scientist Stephen Hawking pointed out that black holes can also emit radiation , although this does not come from their interior but from their accretion disk, that is, from the structure of dust and gas that surrounds them. surrounds and feeds it while being attracted to it.

Pronunciation errors

Although our language does not present substantial differences between spelling and phonetics, as is the case with English, for example, it is common to encounter pronunciation errors of certain words, both among the youngest and among sectors of the population. with a lower level of schooling.

In the case of the term hole , it is not uncommon for people to omit the letter g , turning it into "hole" ; Children, on the other hand, tend to say "hole." Needless to say, both variants are incorrect.