Definition of



A dance group is made up of dancers who perform together.

Grouping is the action and effect of grouping (gathering in a group , huddle). The grouping, therefore, is the set of people or things grouped together .

For example: "A revolutionary left-wing group claimed responsibility for the attack on the bank" , "Look at that curious group of birds flying over the lagoon" , "The group of branches in the street covered the sewer and caused a flood" .

Collective and collective

There are several terms that, depending on the context, can be used as synonyms for grouping: collectivity (a group of people brought together for a common purpose or to share a certain characteristic) and collective (social group whose members work together for the fulfillment of an objective) are some of them.

Generally, the collectivity is associated with a common origin (whether religious or national), while the collective refers to a unit of people with the same problem. The group usually has active political participation , with claims for rights and various requests to the authorities. In the case of groups, they can be spontaneous meetings (like objects that come together due to the action of nature) or groups formed for a purpose (a political group).


Feminist groups have achieved important achievements in recent decades.

Musical and military group

The idea of ​​grouping is also used to name bands or musical groups . The term indicates a group of musicians who, by composing and performing together, form a unit: "My dream is to sing in a baroque music group."

At the military level, on the other hand, a group is a homogeneous unit that has an importance similar to a regiment .


Like so many others, feminist groups represent the fight against inequality and abuses of power . Feminism brings together ideologies and promotes cultural, economic and political actions that aim at the equal treatment of men and women, firmly opposing social hierarchies based merely on people's gender.

The importance of feminism is considerable; Among the changes that its activists have achieved throughout history are the right to vote (previously, exclusive to men), reproductive rights (being able to decide whether to procreate, when to do it and with whom), and equality of women and men before the eyes of the Law .

Although inequality before the law or the impossibility of deciding what to do with one's own body seem like problems from a very distant past, these are issues that many women must face today. Likewise, working conditions are not always the same for both genders : it is common to hear that a woman receives a lower salary than a man for the same job, although it is also normal for her performance and sense of responsibility to be considered. older, according to their own employers.

Objectives of feminist groups

Feminism has had an extensive and complex history, and it is far from being an expression of rebellion or absurd ambitions, as many see it from ignorance of the concept itself. There were many opponents of women's liberation who pointed out, at different times and geographical spaces, that feminist women intended to be treated like men. The reality, however, is that they want to be seen as human beings.

The fight for equality between men and women seems to have no end, given the strength and scope of patriarchy (originally, the organization of society that put men first ; currently, domination of the social order by men ). The language itself presents feminine terms as exceptions or alternatives to masculine ones in a large number of cases; On the other hand, there are words like "man", whose first meaning in the RAE dictionary is "rational animated being, male or female."