Definition of



Agrotourism is developed in rural areas.

Agrotourism is the tourist activity that takes place in a rural environment . That is why agrotourism is also known as rural tourism .

The concept that is formed from two terms: agriculture and tourism . In the first case, it is a compositional element that alludes to the countryside (undeveloped land where crops can be grown and animals raised). Tourism , for its part, is that linked to trips that are carried out for leisure.

Characteristics of agrotourism

Typically, agrotourism takes place in towns with no more than two thousand inhabitants or on land that is not part of the urban fabric of a town. This means that, many times, tourists spend the night in rooms that are remodeled to become more comfortable establishments capable of receiving visitors.

The main attractions of agrotourism are the possibility of being in contact with nature , the calm that can be experienced in the environment and the approach to productive tasks carried out in the fields. In fact, the notion of agrotourism is often associated exclusively with the chance to learn about the economic activities of the rural area .

Those who develop agritourism on a farm set up for this purpose, for example, may have the possibility of milking cows, harvesting the food they consume and making homemade bread. They may even be able to go horseback riding.

Rural tourism

Agrotourism favors contact with nature.

Main activities

Among the favorite activities of agritourism lovers is grazing . Although it is not easy to coordinate hundreds of sheep and take advantage of the help of the almost obligatory mastiff, the transition from the urban routine to this task can be very exciting. The job of the shepherd dates back to time immemorial, and for those who agree with animal exploitation it is very attractive.

Food preparation also attracts the attention of many and leads them to try agrotourism to get away from industrial food. There are people who do not know how to prepare a single dish of boiled rice, much less wonder how bread is made, something that requires more skill; For them, discovering that with their hands they can create their own livelihood is certainly revealing.

Agrotourism modalities

Ecotourism (tourism based on respect for the environment ) and wine tourism (tourist circuits that allow you to learn about wine production) are two modalities that can be linked to agrotourism.

On the other hand, there are also spaces that are specifically dedicated to agrotourism for vegan people , that is, for those who do not agree with animal exploitation of any kind. In these country houses there are no stables or corrals, cows are not milked or horses are not ridden because there are no animals , at least not to be used as resources.

Vegans experience many difficulties in finding restaurants suitable to their ideas, and even supermarkets in which there are at least ten animal-friendly products, since most include eggs or milk and meat refrigerators prevail in most of the products. establishments. Their proposal is one of peace, of compassion, but the system offers just the opposite: legalized exploitation and torture.

Doing agrotourism without the interference of livestock activity can help us connect with true nature , that which human beings strive to hide to sustain the meat economy. The field does not exist for the purposes that we unfortunately assign to it, but to give rise to the birth and development of various plants that help maintain ecological balance , serving as food and promoting the generation of oxygen.