Definition of



Surveying is the discipline dedicated to measuring land.

Surveying is the discipline or technique that consists of measuring land . The etymological origin of the term is found in a Latin word that can be translated as "the art of measuring land" and is made up of the sum of several differentiated parts:

  • The noun agri , which is equivalent to " crop field."
  • The name mens , meaning "measure" .
  • The suffix -ura , which we can say is the result of a specific action.

Features of surveying

For a long time , surveying was considered a specialization or division of topography . Over the years, however, surveying began to be recognized as a discipline with autonomy focused on the study of territorial elements and the establishment of limits.

Thanks to surveying, it is possible to develop cartographic documents, set the boundaries of a piece of land and produce maps and plans .

It is important to know that surveying is a discipline that draws on, enriches and is based on the knowledge of others such as mathematics , geometry , history , geomorphology , physics and law , among many others.

Surveying calculations

The surveying expert is known as a surveyor.

Its usefulness

Surveying is essential to establish the boundaries of land and thus determine ownership of the land. For this, distances, angles and heights are measured with different instruments. These activities can help delineate private ownership and political divisions of a piece of land.

The construction of bridges, dams and roads also requires the application of surveying. That is why surveyors are professionals who are needed in different areas and who can work for different types of corporations.

Surveying specialists

Surveying Engineering is one of the careers that allow the training of surveyors. These experts can develop plans, study the space where buildings will be built or infrastructure of various kinds will be created, collaborate with the production of cartography and carry out expert reports.

Among the surveyors who are considered the most important in history are some such as the following:

  • American settler Daniel Boone (1734-1820), who founded Kentucky and opened the Wilderness Road .
  • The American explorer William Clark (1770-1838), who was part of the well-known Lewis and Clark expedition.
  • Andrew Ellicott (1754-1820) was another of the most relevant surveyors. He worked on the creation of cartographic maps of both Washington and the surroundings of the District of Columbia .
  • The Canadian engineer Sandford Fleming (1827 1915) who, in addition to being an inventor, notably developed surveying. All in favor of the engineering of the Intercolonial Railway and the Canadian Pacific Railway .