Definition of



A crouching individual lies in wait.

Crouching is a term that can come from the verb agazapar : to remain on the lookout, be on alert or wait to surprise someone. In this way, whoever is crouching is watching another subject and is prepared to act .

For example: “Investigators believe that the murderer waited crouching for his victim, hidden among the vegetation,” “When a lion is crouching, it is because it is waiting for prey to attack,” “Crouching behind the fence, the young man did time until they allowed him to enter the property.”

Target of those who are crouching

Usually the person who is crouching does not want to be seen . Its intention is to surprise someone with some objective. If it is a criminal, by being crouched he tries to be able to carry out an attack without being seen and, in this way, not encounter the resistance of the victim.

Suppose a woman is putting the key in the door of her house when suddenly a thief jumps out from behind a flower pot and pounces on her. Being crouched, the criminal took advantage of the factor of surprise and found his victim defenseless.

Animals also often crouch to hunt . A leopard may remain crouched waiting for a deer to feed. When he discovers that one of these animals is not paying attention, he proceeds to catch it.


It is common for certain animals to remain crouched, waiting for the opportunity to catch prey.

Other uses of the term

The dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy ( RAE ), on the other hand, mentions that, in Costa Rica , crouching is an adjective that can be used as a synonym for hypocrite (a term that qualifies someone who pretends to feel something that, in reality, they do not feel). .

In the same way, we cannot ignore that crouching is also a term that is used within the sports field. Specifically, we often talk about crouching football . This is used to refer to the game system carried out by teams that remain especially strong in defense and that are waiting for any error or mistake from their rival to carry out a powerful counterattack that could end in a goal.

Furthermore, also within the football sector, the aforementioned expression is used to mention the teams that seem to be waiting for their most direct rivals in the fight for a championship to make a mistake to take advantage of the situation and manage to surpass them in the classification.

Hidden in literature and cinema

Within the field of culture we find different works that use the term in question in their titles. This would be the case, for example, of the book “A Crouching Man” , by OC Tavin, or the novel “The Wild Horse Crouching Under the Stove” . This last book is the work of author Christoph Hein.

In the same way, we cannot ignore the existence of a well-known film that uses that same adjective in its title. We are referring to “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon” , which in Spain was promoted as “Tigre & Dragon”.

It is a film by director Ang Lee, released in 2000 and which is the film adaptation and homonymous of the fourth novel in the “Iron Pentalogy” series by writer Wang Dulu.