Definition of



Membership involves the incorporation or accession of a person to an organization or association.

In order to fully enter into establishing the meaning of the term affiliation , it is necessary that, first of all, we know its etymological origin. In this case, it must be stated that it is a word of Latin origin. Specifically, it is the result of the sum of several very well defined components:

-The prefix «ad-«, which means «towards».

-The noun "filus", which is synonymous with "son".

-The «-are» element, which is used to shape verbal forms.

-The suffix "-cion", which indicates "action and effect."

Membership concept

Affiliation is the act and result of affiliating . This verb refers to the action of joining, pointing out, writing down or adding an individual to an association or organization .

For example: "A court ruling prohibited social work from rejecting the affiliation of a baby born with a congenital malformation" , "We are very happy: membership in our political party does not stop growing" , "Insurance affiliation requires many procedures due to bureaucracy .


With membership, the individual usually acquires benefits, rights and obligations.

Benefits, rights and obligations

Whoever completes his membership in an entity becomes an affiliate . Once this condition is accessed, the person acquires various benefits and rights , while in some cases they also assume obligations .

Affiliations can be made in organizations that administer pensions and retirements, social works, civil associations and political parties , to name a few possibilities. To complete the procedure, it is common for the subject to present different documents and complete some type of form. It is also possible that certain financial disbursements may be required, such as a registration payment or payment of some type of fee.

Examples of affiliations

Suppose a young person wants to apply for membership in a political party . To do this, you approach a committee with your document, complete a form and sign a record . From this procedure, you are now affiliated with the party in question and can present yourself as a candidate representing it in electoral processes.

In the same way, in many cases, the affiliation of workers to existing unions in their country also occurs. It is considered that carrying out this action is a way to enjoy a long list of advantages, among which we highlight the following:

-You can enjoy information about any aspect at all times.

-You have the possibility of having the permanent and necessary advice in any situation that requires it.

Other cases

Membership in a social work , on the other hand, requires the payment of monthly contributions. As long as the person maintains their membership, they will be able to use social work services , receiving medical care, purchasing discounted medications, etc.

In addition to all of the above, in Spain there is also what is known as affiliation to Social Security. This term includes the obligation that people who carry out a professional activity have, fundamentally, to adhere to that system. With this action they contribute to the maintenance of part of the State while being able to enjoy their rights at the level of health care, compensation in cases of disabilities or even pensions, among other things.