Definition of


Puma painted on blue car

Airbrushing allows you to customize everything from t-shirts to cars.

Airbrushing is an artistic technique that consists of applying paint using a compressed air device known as an airbrush . This device is loaded with paint that the artist then blends onto the surface to be painted.

Paint and air

It can be said that airbrushing is similar to graffiti that is done using a spray . In this case, you have to direct the airbrush to create the strokes, an action that requires a lot of skill.

What the airbrush does is mix the paint pigments with air and expel them in an atomized manner. In addition to the artist's ability to handle the artifact, the technical conditions of the equipment also affect the quality of the work .

It should be noted that airbrushing courses and workshops are usually offered for those who want to learn to master this practice. The objective is for people to know how to use the airbrush and learn about the different possibilities that the device offers.


Various versions maintain that the origins of airbrushing date back to prehistory . At that time, it is believed that our remote ancestors used tubes made of bamboo or animal bones to propel pigments and paint the walls of caves.

Already in the 19th century, humans began to try the ink atomization technique, which consists of converting a liquid into small droplets by passing it through a very small gap. Although he did not succeed for decades, everything changed when an American jeweler named Abner Peeler came up with the first functional prototype of what we today call an airbrush . It was in 1879, and the device consisted of a small spoon, a sewing needle, a modified screwdriver, welding pipes, a piece of metal and a piece of wood. All this, operated through a manual air compressor.

Peeler presented his idea in mid-1881 and received a patent a year later. Although the design of the device was not sophisticated or as easy to manipulate as current airbrushes, it allowed him to retouch images using the technique that was born with it, airbrushing, which became very popular once it reached the hands of the public. That same year, Charles & Liberty Walkup bought the rights and shortly after founded the Rockford Airbrush Company , which allowed the commercialization of the revolutionary product.


It is possible to use airbrushing in different areas. There are those who create paintings with this technique, just as those who use brushes do. Body painting , on the other hand, is the branch of art that uses the human body as a canvas, and the paint can be applied with an airbrush.

Airbrushing is also used at an industrial level. Its use is frequent in the field of the automotive industry , even to carry out restoration tasks.

Man painting car body with airbrush

Airbrush operation provides great precision and flexibility, even for complex objects.

Types of paint

As with other artistic styles and techniques, airbrushing requires the use of certain types of paint. This depends on the artist's goal for each project. On the one hand, acrylics can be used, which stand out for their good adhesion, ideal for illustrating objects with complex shapes, from t-shirts to motorcycle helmets . They can be purchased at any store dedicated to fine arts and drawing. Note that the most recommended brands usually have high prices.

To save a little money, it is possible to dilute the acrylic paint with other substances, although this is only recommended for airbrushing on canvas. You can also use solvent-based paints, such as metallic or pearl paints. To level the surface , eliminate porosity and improve its adhesion before painting, products such as resin or filler spray are usually used.