Definition of



ADSL connectivity is done through the telephone line.

ADSL is an acronym that comes from the English language and refers to the expression Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line . In our language , this phrase can be translated as Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line .

ADSL is a type of technology that allows connection to the Internet through the use of the traditional telephone line, transmitting digital information in analog mode through symmetrical copper pair cable. In other words: the user connects to the Internet using their telephone line , but with broadband (unlike the old dial-up type Internet connections, which used a modem to transmit data).

ADSL connectivity

In the case of the ADSL connection, a router is responsible for modulating the signals with the data in a frequency band that is higher than the band used in telephone communications. A filter , on the other hand, allows the signals not to suffer distortions, separating the already modulated signals from the telephone signal.

ADSL connectivity, in this way, works with three communication channels on the same cable. One channel allows the downloading of data, another is used to send data and a third channel enables the development of conventional telephone communications.

The ADSL line is “asymmetric” since the download capacity is greater than the data upload capacity. This is due to a use of resources that is linked to the usual behavior of Internet users, who tend to download more data than they send to the network .


ADSL connectivity was the most popular in cities although later fiber optics began to take over.

Your limits

Although until the end of the 90s many users had the already archaic telephone connection to the Internet, which offered a maximum download speed of 56 kbps , and only a few began to enjoy other technologies, such as fiber optics, the standard Until recently it was ADSL, since it was offered at very affordable prices and achieved more than enough performance for the average customer.

But what happens in rural areas? The answer is truly alarming, especially for those who have never lived in the countryside: in many cases, such as those spread out, there is nothing more than a satellite Internet service , whose characteristics are very poor and its price is exorbitant. It is not normal for ADSL to reach the outskirts of cities , since an expensive infrastructure is necessary that apparently is not justified given the small number of customers who live far from the asphalt.

The experience of connecting to the Internet through a satellite service is very different from what we can have with ADSL. Above all, the ping is considerably slower; This means that the computer takes too long to communicate with a certain server, such as that of its own Internet provider, and begin exchanging data packets, which makes it impossible to carry out such normal activities as playing online, since The gap is unsustainable.

Another negative aspect of this and other alternatives to ADSL, such as 3G and 4G , is the data limit : although we are used to controlling our use on our mobile, Internet at home is different, since we can use it to buy programs, movies and music, and its weight can be considerable. Living far from areas with ADSL or currently fiber optic coverage , therefore, brings too many complications for those people who need to make intensive use of the Internet, either due to the monthly traffic limit or the slow ping.