Definition of



The concept of acquisition can be used as a synonym for purchase.

The dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) contemplates three uses for the word acquisition , a word that comes from the Latin term adquisitĭo : the action of obtaining a certain thing , the thing itself that has been acquired and the person whose services or intervention They are widely valued.

Among the examples that we could use to better understand the term at hand are the following phrases: "The owner of the company fought hard to obtain the acquisition of the land attached to his industry"; "The art expert received congratulations from those present for the acquisition of the Van Gogh painting" or "The new managing director has been praised by the owner of the company for being the best acquisition for the future of the company."

The verb acquire refers to the fact of earning or obtaining something through one's own work or effort. It can also be synonymous with buying (through money) and getting or achieving . In the field of law , acquiring is taking something as one's own property as long as it does not belong to anyone or has been transferred for profit or consideration , or by prescription.

Acquisition in the corporate sphere

In the business world, an acquisition is understood as the purchase that a legal entity makes of the controlling share package of another company , without actually merging their respective assets. This is an economic decision, which involves an investment.

The acquisition of a company or business venture can be carried out by a strategic buyer , who intends to consolidate in the market , or by a financial buyer , whose purpose is to acquire a firm to increase its value and then be able to market it at a higher amount. .

Commercial operation

Currently it is possible to make an acquisition through the Internet, paying by electronic means.


In this aforementioned business field, it must be emphasized that, on a regular basis, the expression " mergers and acquisitions of companies" (M&A) is used, which encompasses all these financial operations, both combination and purchase, as well as other companies well of what the assets are.

An action that has the clear objective of achieving greater value for the purchasing industry. However, it is also carried out for other important issues such as bargains, the motivations of the entrepreneurs and managers themselves or financial synergy.

language acquisition

On the other hand, it is worth mentioning that linguistics and psychology talk about language acquisition , an area of ​​studies that focuses on the way in which a baby acquires language. There are those who consider that people are born with an innate ability to learn to speak, while other specialists think that this learning is a cultural phenomenon that is based on imitation. Noam Chomsky and Jean Piaget are some of the scholars who were in charge of analyzing language acquisition.

The latter is the one that bequeathed us a series of theories about learning, such as the Cognitive Theory, which brings us closer to how from childhood to adolescence there are a series of stages depending on the cognitive development of the individual. Specifically, this period is divided into the sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operations and formal operations stages. And all of them are based on two actions on the part of the former: adaptation and assimilation.