Definition of

Resource management

Efficient handling

Resource management must be efficient to meet needs.

Administration is linked to the performance and functioning of organizations . The term has its origin in the Latin language: ad-ministrare ( "to serve" ) or ad manus trahere ( "to manage" or "manage" ). A resource , on the other hand, is a means of any kind that contributes to achieving what is intended.

Resource management , therefore, consists of the efficient management of these means, which can be both tangible and intangible. The objective of resource administration is that they allow the satisfaction of interests.

Management and efficiency

People, money , technology and even time can be considered, depending on the context, as resources that can be managed. The correct assignment of functions of each of these resources will help make the operation of a set more efficient.

It is important to keep in mind that resources are finite and have to serve to satisfy virtually infinite needs. Resource management, therefore, is key to success.


Money, time and people can all be considered within the framework of resource management.

Resource management in a company

Within any company, when we talk about resource management, we are talking about the correct management, use and development of four types of resources in a fundamental way:

Financial . When referring to them we are referring to all the monetary resources that are fundamental for the development of the company in question. These can be of two kinds: own, such as cash and shares; or external, such as bonds, credits granted by banks or various types of loans.

Materials . Under this umbrella are included all those assets, of a tangible nature, that the entity possesses and that are those that allow it to provide the services it performs. Starting from this meaning we would find two clearly delimited groups of resources: those related to facilities (offices, factories, tools...) and raw materials, within whose name the already manufactured products would also be included.

Technicians . In this case, they are the resources that are essential to be able to coordinate and manage other types of resources. In this way, we would find elements such as trademarks and patents, production systems, sales mechanisms...

Humans . When managing this type of resources, which are the group of employees of a company, it is essential for the people in charge of this task to take into account many aspects related to them, such as skills, ideas, knowledge. , needs, development, feelings, experience, burdens...

Hiring employees

Human resources management is one of the most important fields of a company. It is responsible for choosing, hiring, training and retaining an organization's employees.

The function of human resources management (which can be in the hands of a person or a department) is to motivate workers to perform to the maximum of their abilities and ensure that the group of employees functions as a unit in pursuit of the goals. corporate objectives.

Leadership, internal communication , teamwork and negotiation skills are some of the factors that human resources management must address.