Definition of


administrative act

The adjudication may consist of an administrative act.

Adjudication , originating from the Latin adiudicatĭo , is the action and effect of allocating or adjudicating (to appropriate something, obtain, conquer, declare that a thing belongs to a person or organization ).

Adjudication is the judicial act that consists of the attribution of a thing (movable or immovable) to a person through an auction , bidding or hereditary division. The winner of the process, therefore, is awarded the good and becomes its owner or responsible. For example: "The dealership reported this morning the allocation of the cars that will be delivered during the month," "I want to pay attention to the allocation of tickets to see if we can travel next week."

Judicial adjudication of real estate

In the case of proceeding to undertake the process of judicial adjudication of a specific property, it is important to make it clear that it is required to present a series of documentation for it to be granted. Specifically, we would have to talk about the corresponding application, the registration history, a sketch, proof of registration or payment of the acquisition fee.

When we talk about inheritances and adjudication processes, it must be made clear and evident that the corresponding heir does not need to have any type of public deed before the notary in order to be awarded those.


In certain contexts, adjudication is a judicial procedure.

An administrative act

For the Public Administration , the award is an administrative act with various procedural formalities that consists of the assignment of a contract for the provision of services or acquisition of goods : "The government announced the award of the works to the company of engineer López" , "The mayor assured that the award will be defined in the coming days."

In this sense, we cannot ignore the fact that within the teaching field the term adjudication is also used with this meaning. And it is that when the course is going to begin, it is common for the corresponding public administration to be in charge of proceeding to undertake the awarding acts through which the assignments that correspond to the different professors and teachers who do not yet have a permanent position in a university are granted. population.

Allocation of places in university education

Within the educational field, and specifically with regard to the university area, it must be taken into account that students who want to start a career in a specific faculty must know that there will be a process for allocating places.

It will establish, for example, that among the criteria to determine which students will be integrated into it, both the grades achieved in the access tests and the established admission grades will be established.

The concept in international law and colloquial language

For international law , adjudication is the acquisition of sovereignty over a certain territory based on the decision of a court or other competent body.

In everyday language, the notion of awarding is linked to winning something: "The Spanish tennis player won the trophy after beating the Italian in three sets" , "Winning the Italian Cup is the team's main objective for this season" , "The golfer was one step away from winning the tournament."