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The appendix to a book is known as an addendum.

Addendum is a term that derives from addenda , a Latin word that refers to that which must be added. The notion of addendum, in this way, refers to the appendix of a book or any other addition made to a text .

The addendum is intended to develop or expand the contents already presented . It is usually used in professional documents , contracts and manuals , among other types of publications.

Addendum Examples

Let's take the case of a book where the author analyzes the political situation of a country. As the years go by, certain events occur that derive from what the writer has stated. In this way, through an addendum, the author can add some comments on the matter in new editions of the book.

Sometimes, the addendum serves to correct information , without the need to rewrite the material or reprint the entire work. Suppose a book mentions that a musician was born in 1806 but then, through the discovery of a document, it is discovered that the artist was actually born in 1801 . With an addendum, the author of the book is in a position to clarify the correct date .

If we focus on a manual, the main body of the document can explain certain tasks in a few steps. Those who cannot understand the process can use an addendum where the actions are developed in more detail. This organization of the material makes it easier to read for those who do not need so much detail and, in turn, allows the rest of the readers to incorporate more knowledge.

It is important to establish that the addendum can take on different appearances or formats. By this we mean that it can not only be presented as another text document, but it can also be presented in CD, DVD or other format.


Contracts may have addendums.

The concept in other areas

Within what can be a contract of any type, an addendum can also be included when the parties reach an agreement to expand, clarify or change some substantial part of it. In it, everything from prices to deadlines can be modified, passing through certain specific conditions in question.

In the legal field, specifically in trials, addendums can be introduced into sentences. The most frequent thing is that these come to serve so that the jury , based on investigations or very specific data obtained, proceeds to explain in a specific manner the decision it has made regarding the innocence or guilt of the accused.

Precisely in this sense, one of the best-known addendums is the one made by the jury in the case of Harold Greenwood , who was accused of murdering his wife with arsenic in 1919 . He was declared innocent, but in the aforementioned explanation that was added to the sentence it was made clear that the jury was convinced that the poison had been administered to the woman, but that it could not prove that the amount she ingested was responsible for his death.

Addenda can also be found in the medical field. In this case, they are usually used for the doctor to enter a series of important data related to the patient.