Definition of


Point out

Someone accused is accused of being responsible for something.

Accused is a concept that derives from accuse : pointing out a person as responsible for something , usually a crime or some conduct that is condemnable. That individual who is accused is called the accused.

For example: "Tomorrow the trial against the doctor accused of malpractice will begin" , "The accused refused to testify" , "The police arrested the accused of having burned five cars in the city centre" .

At the judicial level, for there to be an accused there must be an accusation or an accusation . This is the charge that, before the appropriate authority, is presented against a specific individual, making them responsible for a certain violation of the law . The objective of the accusation is that the accused is convicted of his offense and, in this way, receives the corresponding punishment.

Example of someone accused

Suppose a man is defrauded by his partner. Faced with this situation, he goes to court and presents an accusation against the other subject, attaching various evidence. The accused, in this way, is summoned by the judge and notified of the situation.

The process progresses until the trial finally takes place and the accused becomes convicted after being found guilty of the crime of fraud. Therefore he receives a sentence of three years in prison.


Justice must determine whether the accused is guilty or innocent.

Your rights

It is very important not to forget that the accused turns out to be innocent on a large number of occasions , and that is why it is essential that there be a series of rights that protect him from the moment of his arrest by the police force until the judicial process is concluded. to whom it is subjected. These rights are part of the civil rights that all citizens have, as indicated in the legal framework corresponding to each country, which may be represented by a bill of rights or a Constitution, for example.

One of the fundamental rights of the accused is the presumption of innocence until proven otherwise , something that North American cinema has popularized through countless police films, but that we must respect in other countries as well. Any act of violence against an accused, whether by a police officer or a neighbor before the final verdict issued by the judge, must be considered an attack against this specific right, among others.

On the other hand, there is the right to receive legal assistance ; In other words, the accused must be able to count on the help of a competent lawyer , who the State must make available to accompany him, advise him and defend him throughout the entire judicial process . Although this does not occur in all countries, it is quite common, especially so that low-income people are not left unprotected in court .

The right to information includes access to all data related to the accusation, such as the evidence that the jury will use to study the case, the charges that have been presented against you and the names of the witnesses who will give their version of the case. the story; It is important to note that the accused can confront the latter if requested. The presence of a lawyer is often essential for the proper fulfillment of this right, since the language used in judicial documents and procedures is not easy to understand by people outside this field and they can provide the necessary explanations.

What was accused as something notorious

As an adjective , on the other hand, accused is something that, due to its characteristics, stands out and becomes very noticeable .

"The young man appeared before the jury with great excitement", "The woman's marked nervousness soon raised suspicions among investigators"y "Through a reaction of this type, it only demonstrates an accused inferiority complex" son expresiones que muestran este uso.