Definition of



A rechargeable battery is an energy accumulator.

Accumulator is an adjective that is used to describe that or that which accumulates (that is, that gathers, collects or agglutinates something).

To clearly determine the meaning of the term, it is important to establish its etymological origin. In this case, it must be stated that it derives from the Latin accumulator , which means "he who brings together" and that it is the result of the sum of the following components:

  • The prefix ad- , which is synonymous with “towards” .
  • The noun cumulus , which can be translated as “heap” .
  • The suffix -tor , used to indicate “agent” .

heat accumulator

A heat accumulator is a piece of equipment that is used in heating to insulate and store the heat that is generated through electricity or another means. These storage devices usually consist of ceramic blocks that retain heat.

In this sense, we have to state that there are fundamentally two types of accumulators. On the one hand, there are static ones, which work through radiation and natural convection . On the other hand, we come across dynamic ones, whose isolation is considered better than the previous ones and which is based on accumulation and radiation.

The phenomenon that occurs in large cities when heat accumulates due to the proliferation of absorbent materials and certain meteorological conditions is also called a heat accumulator. This means that, when night comes, the heat does not dissipate since the asphalt of the streets and the concrete of the buildings release the energy that they accumulated during the hours of sunshine.

Domestic hot water

In the same way, we cannot ignore the existence of what is known as a DHW (domestic hot water) accumulator . It can also be called a buffer tank and, as its name indicates, what it allows is that any home or building can enjoy that hot water that will be essential to, for example, undertake good personal and intimate hygiene .

Although it can work in different ways, those that rely on so-called biomass , which is a biofuel obtained from organic waste, are gaining more and more weight. Specifically, they are considered as such from olive pits to pellets, including almond shells, among others.


Individuals suffering from Diogenes syndrome are referred to as hoarders.

Data and energy accumulator

In computing , the register that temporarily stores in the CPU the results that will be analyzed in the logical arithmetic unit is called an accumulator . Without this accumulator, all calculation results would have to be stored in main memory.

Batteries and rechargeable cells are also often called accumulators. These elements have the ability, when charged, to accumulate energy that they then consume while being discharged due to their use.

Diogenes syndrome

Those who suffer from the psychological disorder called Diogenes syndrome , finally, are called accumulators.

These are people who tend to accumulate an immense amount of waste and useless products. The disorder usually affects individuals who live alone.