Definition of



Anything related to water is described as aquatic.

Aquatic , from the Latin aquatĭcus , is an adjective that qualifies that which is linked to water or that lives in it. Water , on the other hand, is a substance made up of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom, which is colorless, tasteless and odorless.

Aquatic animals are species whose life takes place in water. There are animals that breathe underwater (absorbing dissolved oxygen) and others that temporarily leave the water to access the oxygen found in the atmosphere.

Fish , for example, are aquatic animals that have gills to breathe underwater. Other aquatic animals, such as hippos , otters , and ducks , cannot breathe underwater.

An ecosystem that has a body of water as a biotype (the area where fauna and flora develop) is known as an aquatic ecosystem . Said body of water can be a lagoon, a stream, a river or a sea, among other possibilities.

Water sports

Aquatic sports , on the other hand, are those disciplines that take place underwater or in contact with it. Diving , swimming , surfing and rowing are some of these sports .

To practice them, special clothing known as a water suit is often required, which provides thermal insulation to the athlete.


A water park is a space that allows you to have fun in the water.

entertainment centers

Entertainment centers whose attractions are based on the use of water are called water parks . These venues have swimming pools , slides and other facilities for visitors to have fun in the water.

Of course, many water parks also include shows in their attractions where the protagonists are animals that have been deprived of their freedom and contact with their families in a violent and unjustified way, and who lead terrible lives until one of two things happens: or They are released when they have a few months left to live to a sea that no longer awaits them, or they die of depression in the tiny pools that they have had to accept as their new homes.

In water parks, such is the suffering of these marine mammals, such as orcas and dolphins, that many of them commit suicide. Let us not forget that we are talking about intelligent and sociable animals, which need exchange with other individuals of their species to develop and be happy , and that one bad day in their early childhood they are caught in a cowardly way, to be taken to live in prison, where they are exploited and allocated a space that cannot begin to compare with the immensity of the ocean .

Both orcas and dolphins live in large communities, which have a very complex hierarchical organization, and swim more than 150 kilometers per day . How is it possible that there are human beings capable of torturing these beings, depriving them of their freedom and their needs on a social level, for no reason other than material enrichment?

Animal abuse in water parks

One of the most difficult points to understand is that these water parks are not illegal venues, but rather they are one of the most popular attractions worldwide, receiving millions of visits per year. Why is it so difficult for us to empathize with beings of other species?

Although this may seem like a rhetorical question, there are several reasons that lead us to harden our hearts when faced with the suffering of non-human animals, although they all converge on the fundamental point of our lives: parenting.

They feed us meat , eggs and milk; They teach us that there are "farm animals" that are born so that we can raise them and eat them; They give us power over dogs and cats, so that we make them our personal servants. In short, we are taught from a young age that the rest of the animals are at our disposal, and they do so backed by science, psychology, and the media ; Such is the strength of this twisted message that very few question its veracity.