Definition of



An actor is an individual who is dedicated to the interpretation of a role.

An actor is a person who plays a role on television, film, theater or radio. It is about an individual who puts himself in the shoes of a character , that is, who plays to represent the life of another subject.

Acting is the action that the actor performs when interpreting his role. The process, in reality, originates long before the actor actually begins to act since he must know the ideas of the scriptwriter or director regarding the character to develop a personal investigation and discover what nuances he should bring to his interpretation.

The actor's step by step

The next step in acting is to know the script that you must respect. The actor has a lyric to repeat on stage, although, many times, there is also room for improvisation .

Once the actor knows the personality of the character he has to play and his speeches, it is time for the performance itself, which is the work he carries out on the theatrical stage, on the filming set, in the TV studio or, in the case of radio theater , in a radio studio.

Of course, the stage can be located anywhere , and this is how street theater exists or even small plays or scenes can be performed on public transport (for example, the train). The Internet is probably the most modern medium in which a work can be performed; Thousands of YouTube channels broadcast series, shorts, cartoons and one-man shows, among other forms of art made, for the most part, by people who start out unknown.


Theater actors are usually the most respected and admired.


For several decades now, the most famous actresses and actors in the world are celebrities who earn millions of dollars to participate in plays or films, such as Tom Hanks, Antonio Banderas, Nicole Kidman and Penélope Cruz. However, they represent only a portion of acting talent, since there are many great artists who for different reasons do not develop careers in Hollywood .

It is worth mentioning that many times the main reason for the lack of recognition at the international level lies in not speaking English; On the contrary, too many Americans are called actors.

An issue that usually goes hand in hand with fame is the lack of privacy , although with the arrival of the Internet and social networks, it does not seem to terrify stars as it did until a few years ago, since some actors have learned to approach to their audience through, for example, Twitter and many times it is they themselves who tell their private lives or show photos of themselves that do not favor them.

theater actors

In general, it is considered that a true actor is one who does theater ; Tom Hanks himself, considered by many to be one of the most talented in the world, has supported this idea in an interview, stating that he would like to work in theater when he retires from cinema.

It is impossible to deny that acting live entails a series of pressures and risks that simply do not exist in the cinema, such as having to remember the text or being able to improvise while avoiding the audience noticing and getting the rest of the cast to adapt. to unexpected changes.

The comedians and the public

Comedian actors must face an enemy even more feared than a lack of memory: the public. Just as in the world of music, the same artist can be celebrated in one theater and booed in another.

Without going to these extremes, comedians who perform one-man shows often encounter audiences who do not understand their jokes, and as a direct consequence, do not laugh. One of the resources used in these situations is to improvise "more direct" lines, which require a lower degree of abstraction to understand them.