Definition of

Commercial activity


Commercial activity usually consists of the purchase and sale of products.

An activity is the process or action carried out by a subject or an institution, generally as part of its usual functions or tasks. Commercial , for its part, is that linked to commerce (the operations of purchase and/or sale of products and services).

Commercial activity , in this way, consists of the exchange of merchandise or symbolic goods . Money is the usual medium of exchange: a person acquires certain products by giving money, and in turn obtains money by offering the fruit of his work.

Example of commercial activity

Whoever is dedicated to commercial activity is called a merchant . Suppose a person decides to open a store dedicated to selling shoes.

The main commercial activity of this individual will be the marketing of products, which he delivers in exchange for money. In turn, this commercial activity leads him to participate in other acts of commerce, buying shoes from their producers or acquiring shelves to show off his items to potential buyers.

Current transactions

For a long time, commercial activity took place in physical spaces such as stores or markets . Nowadays, however, the advancement of technology allows many people to engage in commercial activity over the Internet . The products are offered virtually and the buyer can pay remotely, receiving the purchase at their home. In this way, there is no physical contact between the merchant and the customer.

Another peculiarity of current commercial activity is that many times a good is produced in country X , it is offered for sale in nation Z and it ends up being consumed in a third country. This is due to the phenomenon known as globalization .


Currently, commercial activity can be carried out virtually thanks to the Internet.

The evolution of commercial activity

This evolution of commercial activity can also be seen in the fields of cinema, television and video games, three industries that currently offer their products in digital format . The convenience that this means for buyers goes far beyond the fact of not having to leave their homes to go to a physical store: during leisure trips or moves, for example, the possibility of carrying dozens or hundreds of movies, television series and games that take up absolutely no space is something that just a few decades ago would have seemed like a dream.

On the other hand, it is very interesting to note that today the public is much more exposed to commercial transactions than a few years ago : since it is enough to look at our mobile phone to receive offers for products and services that we can pay and receive without even Getting out of bed, avoiding consumerism in this era is an especially difficult task.

Some keys to success

Just as in any field, commercial activity cannot be carried out by just anyone, that is, success is not guaranteed since it is necessary to invest time and dedication in a business for it to bear fruit, something that not everyone is willing to do . Furthermore, we must not forget the importance of intuition when devising or maintaining a venture of this type: it is not easy to find the ideal product or service and direct it effectively towards the public that demands it.

This does not mean that there are various platforms designed specifically for people without natural talent for business, or for those who do not want to get too involved in opening and maintaining a store. Such is the case of franchises , which could be described as "a la carte businesses"; Although acquiring them does not completely free us from effort and trouble, it saves us from a large part of the work, especially the search for a good idea, clients and suppliers.