Definition of



Increase is equivalent to developing or increasing something.

Increase is a verb that refers to increasing, enlarging or developing something . The term comes from the Latin word accrescens .

For example: “For several decades, the government tried to increase the population by encouraging the arrival of immigrants,” “Increasing public spending is not a viable option at this time,” “We cannot allow employers to continue trying to increase their profits.” at the expense of the exploitation of workers.”

Examples of increase

The notion of accretion can be used in multiple contexts. Many times, the term refers to changes that can be quantified or expressed in numbers . Suppose a person manages to increase his income. The increase occurs when you go from receiving $1,000 to receiving $1,800 per month . This shows that he managed to increase his income by $800 per month .

In other cases, the idea of ​​increasing refers to symbolic progress or progress that is difficult to measure precisely, which represents an improvement in certain conditions. The government of a country can announce different measures and hold meetings with businessmen to increase confidence in the national economy . Although this trust can be reflected in different indicators (such as the level of investment or the employment rate), it is impossible to make an exact measurement of trust and, therefore, estimate how much it increases.

The popularity and legend of something or someone can also increase when notoriety increases: “With two goals in the final, the Argentine forward managed to increase his legend,” “The album he released with songs by other artists contributed to increasing the fame of the singer.”


The idea of ​​increasing is associated with growth.

The concept in religion

In many ways, the verb in question is present in our lives. Thus, for example, we come across the fact that it is used within the field of religion .

In this framework, we talk about how faith can be increased . In this case, it is established that to achieve this you must take measures such as listening to the word of God daily and trying to follow the guidelines established in the Bible .

Other uses of the term increase

On the other hand, it is also common to refer to the idea of ​​increasing capital in a company . In this case, measures could be taken such as allowing the entry of new partners, diversifying the business or requesting a loan.

This without overlooking that, in the same way, we talk about what it means to increase self-esteem . This becomes something very important for many people to put aside their complexes, lead the life they want to have, be brave and not let themselves be “stepped on” by anyone. In this case, this can be achieved by carrying out actions like these:

  • Always start thinking positively.
  • Don't be so demanding of yourself.
  • Be knowledgeable about yourself and know what your strengths and weaknesses are.
  • Don't compare yourself to anyone.
  • Be aware of everything that has been achieved in life through one's own merits.
  • Treat yourself and others with the greatest respect possible.