Definition of



The meanings of a word are its meanings and uses.

Acepción , a term that derives from the Latin acceptio , is a word that identifies the multiple meanings and uses that a certain word can have according to the context in which it appears. In other times, this same notion was also used as a synonym for acceptance or approval .

In this way, we can say, for example, that the word fertilizer has two broad meanings: on the one hand, it refers to the substance that improves the quality of soil and provides nutrients to crops, and on the other, it is understood as a batch of tickets or tickets that are purchased together and that grant a subject the right to make periodic or limited use of some service or facility.

Other terms with more than one meaning

Another term with different meanings is battery . This word can be used to name both the device that stores energy through electrochemical procedures and the percussion instrument used in the musical field, the set of military pieces arranged to operate together or the group of elements that are used in the preparation of food, for example.

Calculation , which is an account that is specified through various mathematical operations or those abnormal formations that can affect an individual by growing in their bladder, kidneys or salivary glands, and essay , which can refer to the representation of a theatrical or musical work before its public exhibition, or the literary genre that is framed within didactics, are other words that have more than one meaning.


Knowing the meanings of a term helps with understanding and communication.

Similar concepts

There are two words that are sometimes confused and used interchangeably, when in reality they could in some cases mean absolutely opposite things; such is the case of meaning and exception .

The first refers to the different meanings that a word could have. The second, on the other hand, indicates that which is excluded from something; In the case of words, it refers to those that do not adhere to the norm and that take a different path. For example: " Although most feminine nouns end in a and masculine nouns in o , there are many exceptions to this spelling rule ."

We could say then that the difference between the two lies in which meaning is closer to acceptance and normality and exception, to exclusion and abnormality; Therefore, it is essential to keep in mind the immense difference that exists between these terms to avoid making mistakes when using each one.

The importance of knowing the meanings of a word

When we speak, we want those who listen to us to be able to understand what we are saying; Therefore, we worry about choosing words that we know that person can understand.

Taking into account the idioms of a certain place or social group is essential for this, because we cannot speak to an 80-year-old woman who lives in an old-fashioned and traditionalist way as we would with a 25-year-old young man. It is essential to look for neutral words that allow generational rapprochement.

Likewise, knowing what meaning is known of a certain word in the region where we speak can be essential to achieve good communication, especially if we take into account that in countries that share the same language, many times the uses of words differ slightly. or flatly , depending on the case.

For example, in Spain you cannot say "equal" to refer to "but" , since in most regions of this country this word is only synonymous with "perhaps" or "perhaps" and other variants. Like this one, there are many other examples that would serve to understand the importance of meanings. Knowing the various meanings of each word in the place where we find ourselves allows us to opt for a more direct and effective speech, which results in fluid and clear communication.