Definition of


Large tent

It is common for camping to be a recreational activity.

Camping is a verb that refers to what a person does when they interrupt their march and temporarily establish themselves in an unpopulated place, usually spending the night in a tent or in an improvised shelter . The term comes from the Italian language.

For example: “Let's keep walking until we find a suitable place to camp,” “I'm very happy! My uncle promised me that in the summer we will camp in the forest ,” “Sir, camping is prohibited in this place: I ask you to gather your things and leave the property.”

Camping as a recreational activity

The act and result of camping is known as camping or camping . This is an activity that can have multiple objectives, although it always consists of the installation of temporary housing.

Usually, people decide to camp for recreational purposes . With this intention, he usually moves to a place that allows him to be in contact with nature, away from the city. There is, however, the possibility for a tourist to camp in an urban area designated for this purpose, since camping is cheaper than paying for hotel accommodation.

When the camp is established in the middle of nature , without any contact with the comforts associated with city life, such as the provision of drinking water and electricity , the experience can be truly eye-opening, as it brings us closer to our roots. . However, there must be a process of adaptation to the environment and for this it is essential to have the appropriate elements to survive far from civilization .


Camping involves temporarily establishing yourself in an unpopulated place.


Essential items

Before preparing the camping backpack, it is necessary to distinguish between the things that an adult should carry and those that are recommended for a child, although many of them are suitable in any case.

Something that cannot be missing on any camping trip is a first aid kit . In the wilderness, especially if we are camping with the intention of hiking, swimming, and climbing, we are likely to experience slips, falls, and cuts. Regardless of the severity of the wound, it is important to have the necessary elements to disinfect it and stop the bleeding.

Another essential item for successful camping is a flashlight , and it is recommended to bring more than one, both battery-powered and manually rechargeable. Lamps don't hurt either, since they can be hung from the tent to comfortably illuminate the last hours of the day.

Ropes can be very useful for the improvised construction of small structures, or to protect tents from the wind, among many other possibilities. One of the most common tips is to camp near trees, to take advantage of their firmness and the shade they provide during the hottest hours.

The ideal complement to the ropes is a multipurpose knife , which can be used in a large number of situations. However, this is one of those items that should not be included in a child's backpack, for obvious reasons. This does not mean, on the other hand, that in scout training groups students are instructed about how to handle the knife.

Camping to survive or protest

Camping, in other cases, is a necessary survival action (if an individual gets lost in a mountain or if he is displaced from his home due to a war, to name two possibilities).

It can also be a protest (a camp in front of the government house to demand the solution to a certain problem or at the door of a company that fired its workers without cause and without paying them compensation).