Open is a verb that comes from the Latin word aperīre . The dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy ( RAE ) recognizes more than thirty meanings of the term.
The action of opening may consist of moving the sash of a window or door away from its frame . In a broader sense, opening something means removing what it closes with, releasing the content or allowing access to its interior .
open a door
In its most basic meaning, opening a door involves separating the leaves from their frame . This can sometimes be done by simply pushing or pulling to rotate it on its hinges, pins or hinges.
If the door has a bolt, latch or lock, to open it it is necessary to disengage or unlock the mechanism in the appropriate way. Many times, in this context, a key is needed to open (unlock) and close (lock) the door.
In the same way, you can open a drawer, a trunk , etc. and thus have the possibility of reaching what they keep inside.
Uncover a bottle
The idea of opening is also used with respect to removing the lid or stopper from a container or container . A bottle, a jar or a jar, to name a few possibilities, can be opened.
Suppose a young man buys a bottle of soda . To open the bottle and drink the product, you must twist the cap or remove it accordingly.
Open body parts
The notion of opening is used in various ways when applied to parts of the body. Opening the eyes , for example, is achieved by separating the eyelids : “When the alarm clock rang, I was so asleep that it was difficult for me to open my eyes.”
Open the legs y open your arms, en tanto, requiere put distance between the limbs in question. Para open your hands, hay que hacer que los dedos estén extendidos y no flexionados sobre sí mismos.
If a deep cut is made in the skin , on the other hand, it can be said that the place where the injury occurred was opened: “I never imagined that, when I slipped, I was going to open my pear,” “Be careful with the knife, “You can open your hand.”
Synonym of doing
In certain contexts , open can be used as a synonym for make . Typically, this meaning is linked to some type of infrastructure work, although it can also refer to making holes or perforating something.
“The pioneers dedicated themselves to opening several roads to connect the town with other towns”, “By opening the canal, navigation in the region was facilitated” y “I'm going to open another hole in the belt to make it bigger.” son expresiones donde se apela a este meaning.
Other uses of the concept
As you can see, opening has very diverse uses. It can also be used to name the beginning of an activity or the founding or establishment of an institution : “The winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature will be in charge of opening the book fair,” “The president promised to open five schools during the next semester.” ” .
Create a bank account y be in front of a column or row también se mencionan como abrir: “Tomorrow I'm going to go to the bank to open a checking account.”, “The parents of the victim are going to lead the march that will go from Congress to the Government House”.