Definition of



Putting into a container what is contained in another is mentioned as abocar.

Abocar is a verb that refers to pouring into a container what is contained in another , according to the first meaning mentioned by the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy ( RAE ).

Given that to ensure that the contents of one container pass into the interior of another, it is necessary to tilt the first once we place it at a distance such that its mouth is within the surface of the mouth of the second, it is not difficult to understand that The etymology of this term leads us to a fusion between the prefix a- , the word boca and the suffix -ar .

For their part, the two components found at the ends of the word have a very important function in the formation of its meaning: the prefix a- , which has its origin in the Latin prefix ad- , is verbal and It is used to give the idea of ​​approximation between two objects or individuals, as can be seen in the verbs accredit, please and supply ; The suffix -ar is used very frequently in our language to create verbs, as seen in please , grab and explode .

Abocar how to dedicate

The most common use of the notion, however, is linked to directing actions or efforts towards a certain goal . It is important to clarify that this meaning is valid in Bolivia, Guatemala, Argentina, Costa Rica, Venezuela, Mexico and Uruguay ; In other Spanish-speaking countries, it is more common to find the verb dedica , for example.

Let's look at some sentences that reflect this use of the word abocar : "If the people elect me as president, I will dedicate myself to solving the problem of insecurity" , "We cannot waste any more time: we have to dedicate ourselves to finding a new investor." so that the company does not go bankrupt” , “An artist should not focus on these issues that have little to do with his activity” .


To focus is to direct actions towards a goal.

Other meanings

The idea of ​​abocar also refers to deriving or resulting : “Allegations of fraud can lead to the reiteration of the election,” “The Spanish striker's goal seemed to lead the match to extra time, although later the process of the match would change once more” , “If the government continues to pressure us with new taxes, they will lead us to tax evasion” .

When one or more people are willing to go through a situation, have hope that something will happen or are in danger of being subjected to a certain event , as long as the event in question is not located in the remote future, it is possible to use the participle of the verb abocar to describe any of the three states just described, using any of the following structures: find yourself, see yourself, stay, be doomed to .

Outside of the meanings set out in the previous paragraphs, there are others, perhaps less common in everyday speech, that are included in the RAE dictionary: "to take or catch with the mouth" (it is worth mentioning that this particular meaning has fallen into disuse) ; as an intransitive verb in the field of the navy, "begin to enter a port, strait, channel , etc." ; and as a pronominal verb, "said of the action carried out by several people when they meet by common agreement for the purpose of dealing with a business."

abocar and avocar

It is important to differentiate between abocar (written with B ) and avocar (with V ). Avocar comes from the Latin word advocāre and is used in law to name the action carried out by a judicial or administrative body when it assumes the resolution of an issue that, in reality, should be resolved by a lower-ranking entity.

“The Superior Chamber of Criminal and Correctional Justice decided to avow the Ferreyra case and announced that it will present the ruling next Wednesday” is an expression that shows the use of avocar.