Definition of


Surgical intervention

An ablation is the removal or separation of an organ or part of it through a surgical intervention.

Ablation is the consequence of making a cut , carrying out a separation or simply removing something. The notion has its origin in the Latin word ablatio .

In the field of medicine , it refers specifically to the separation or extraction of an organ or part of the body structure . In this sense, it should be noted that ablation is carried out within the framework of an excision or surgical intervention .

Ablation is generally understood as the operation by which organs and tissues are removed from a deceased person for the purpose of transplanting them to another person. According to official procedures, the organs that have been removed are preserved in containers at a low temperature, in sterile conditions and with preservation liquids. Tissues, on the other hand, have different forms of preservation.

Clitoral ablation

One of the most ancient customs that causes the most damage to the female gender on the African continent is the initiation rites that consist of the ablation of the clitoris (practice also known as female genital mutilation ), either absolute or partial, in girls of no more than seven years old. This operation is extremely painful and its only objective is to maintain the customs and "save" the girls from a promiscuous life. It is estimated that, in Africa , more than 100 million women are currently alive after being subjected to this process.

The most extreme form of this type of ablation is pharaonic circumcision or infibulation , which involves the complete removal of the clitoris and both the labia majora and minora, as well as stitching both sides of the vulva together with wire, fishing line, or a homemade paste that works like glue. Only a small hole is left so as not to obstruct menstrual blood or urine. After the procedure, both legs of the victim are brought together and tied with ropes, claiming that this is a way of preserving the girl's virginity and helping with healing.

Harmful consequences of the practice

The harmful consequences of genital mutilation include acute infections, poor healing, cyst formation and increased susceptibility to HIV infection. It can even lead to death from hemorrhagic or neurogenic collapse.

But the pain of these girls-women does not end on that fateful day . When years later they marry, with a man generally chosen by their guardians or parents, they once again face acute pain, when a midwife must once again open the orifice so that they can consummate the sexual act.

Ablation is not only an attack on women's freedom and nature , but it also has terrible consequences. The infections that victims have to deal with often end their lives and in others condemn them to even more atrocious and martyrical sufferings such as subsequent extremely painful menstruations, among other sufferings.

However, perhaps the greatest mark left by this act of vandalism is one that cannot be perceived from the outside, a psychological damage from which they do not recover. It is a mutilation that causes irreparable damage to its victims ; in fact, many girls go into a state of shock caused by the intense pain suffered during the intervention, severe psychological trauma and extreme exhaustion as a result of the incessant screaming, from which it is very difficult for them to escape.

Every year millions of little girls are subjected to this operation, in the name of a religion , of a barbaric belief and without even having the option to choose it ; this custom is as atrocious as the circumcision of Jewish children or the indiscriminate slaughter of animals and there is nothing that justifies it ; it must end once and for all. Let's save childhood!


Glacial ablation involves the loss of mass from a glacier due to iceberg calving, sublimation, or melting.

Ablation in geology

In geology , on the other hand, ablation is the type of erosion that a relief experiences as a result of the power of physical or chemical processes ( continental ablation ).

Glacial ablation , on the other hand, is characterized by describing the loss of mass suffered by glaciers due to melting, sublimation or iceberg calving.