Definition of



The alleged kidnapping of people or animals by extraterrestrial beings is called abduction.

The concept of abduction has its origin in the Latin abductio and describes the phenomenon thanks to which an organ or a part of the body structure is distanced from the median plane that, in an imaginary way, divides a body into two symmetrical fragments. It is, according to experts, a transverse orientation displacement.

In this sense, it must be said that the movement that opposes abduction is adduction , a phenomenon that takes place when some portion of the body approaches its plane of symmetry .

For philosophy , abductive reasoning is a syllogism in which the major premise is evident, while the minor is not so obvious or only probable. Therefore, the conclusion that arises from this structure has an identical level of probability with respect to the minor premise. To cite a specific example: "All the pencils in bag X are black" / "These pencils are black" / "These pencils come from bag X."

Abduction as extraterrestrial kidnapping

Probably, most people associate the term with the hypothetical kidnapping of members of our species by extraterrestrial beings . In general, those who claim to have been captured in these conditions claim to have been subjected to various kinds of experiments inside cabins or spaceships.

This atypical situation, never proven by science , generates an episode of loss of consciousness or amnesia, since those involved state that contact with the creatures lasted for an extended period, although they cannot remember much or provide details about it. Ufologists believe that, through hypnosis , it is possible for the protagonists to reconstruct those moments with greater clarity.

Supposedly, abductions also pursue the objective of implanting certain elements in the bodies of those captured. These implants of extraterrestrial origin are said to have characteristics similar to those of man -made chips.

flying saucer

No abduction could be proven by science.

The story of Betty and Barney Hill

Although there are numerous stories that narrate abductions by extraterrestrial beings, none has received as much attention as the case of Betty and Barney Hill , an American couple who claimed to have had contact with interplanetary visitors in the early 1960s. So much so that a movie was made about it , "The UFO Incident ."

Gathering the available information, it is known that this couple was driving on the road at night when they noticed an object in the sky that had a rather strange movement pattern. Eventually, the gigantic saucer landed in front of them, forcing them to stop. The supposed crew members of the ship were humanoid beings who, as expected, had learned English. At first, the Hills did not remember being forced to do anything, since in their first version of events they were able to escape the scene and return to their home.

The hours that followed the event were very confusing for both of them. Betty decided to make a complaint, although she kept many details to herself to avoid doubting her sanity. Later, due to recurring nightmares that prevented them from continuing normally with their lives, they agreed to interviews and hypnosis sessions, to try to reconstruct the story that, until that moment, they remembered in disconnected parts.

The fury of alien experiences faded towards the mid-nineties, although for some people it represents the most exciting and intriguing topic in the world. Unfortunately, as with astrology and the afterlife , it is impossible to determine the veracity of these stories, given that human beings tend to chase money and attention at any price.