Definition of



Below refers to what is located in a lower place.

Below is a very frequently used adverb in our language. The term can refer to someone or something that is located in an inferior place with respect to another thing or individual. For example: “The pink shirt is stored in the bottom drawer, not in that one” , “My grandmother lives on the floor below: I am in the fifth and she is in the fourth” , “I am going to keep the boxes underneath.” of the bed.”

The notion of below also refers to what advances or is directed towards a lower sector , or to what is located lower compared to something that is located at a higher height: “The owner of the cabin intends to take down the tree, but the neighbors are opposed” , “Due to the rollover, the driver was left with his head down” , “We will have to walk an hour downhill to get to the shelter” .

Various uses of the term down

In certain texts , the mention below allows us to refer to something that will appear next and that will be noticed once the reading progresses. A statement can begin by saying “We, the undersigned, demand an end to attacks on press freedom…” and, at the end of the text, include the signature of different people. By clarifying at the beginning that “the undersigned” support what is said in the text, the signatures in question are needed to specify who supports what was said.

Down is also used in exclamations that express the intention to abolish, repeal, prohibit, dismiss, remove or overthrow someone or something : “Down with capitalism! Long live socialism!” , “Down with the police!” , “We want foreign troops to leave our land! Down with the invaders!” .


Descending means going downwards.

Differences according to the variant of Spanish

Although we all know that our language is not the same in all Spanish-speaking countries, we tend to focus on differences in accent and certain very particular regionalisms, thus ignoring the endless particularities present in each "version" of Spanish. The term below is precisely the protagonist of one of these differences , and is in the same group as the adverbs above , behind and forward .

Currently, the "New grammar of the Spanish language" accepts the use of all the following forms: below, below, above, above, behind, behind, in front of and in front of . However, European Spanish opts for constructions headed below, above, behind and in front ; In other words, the adverbs of place preferred by European Spanish speakers are all those that do not begin with a .

From the point of view of a Latin American person, saying "I left the book under the bed" or "my father was standing in front of the door" is normal, it does not sound bad nor does it present any sign of lack of correctness. As of today, as mentioned in the previous paragraph, you should not notice any errors , since these forms have been accepted. However, in Spain these phrases sound bad, they cannot be intoned naturally, since when trying to insert them into everyday speech they seem to have one letter too many; and, in fact, it has it.

On the other hand, this does not mean that these terms are never used in European Spanish. The examples just presented are sentences that indicate the location of a thing or a person, and in these cases Spain prefers adverbs that do not begin with a . However, when the intention is to refer to the direction in which a subject or an object moves, or to its orientation , it is correct to use down , up , forward and backward ( "walk forward" , "head towards below" ).